We like trams at inHeritage. So we’re excited to be on board at Crich Tramway Museum and National Tramway Collection to drive the creation of their interpretation strategy. We hope to keep their interpretation moving on the right tracks!
In August the museum appointed us to develop their strategy, funded by the Association of Independent Museums, for what is a large and complex site with numerous different types of area and exhibitions.
Over the three months we will get to know the site, review and critique interpretive assets, analyse visitor survey data, conduct visitor observation studies, facilitate staff and volunteer engagement workshops, complete a comparator study of selected similar national transport collections, engineering museums and living history sites. This research will lead to a series of recommendations for future interpretation. We will also recommend interpretive good practice, based on Association for Heritage Interpretation guidelines, potential areas for training and for directing future visitor survey work to feed into developing the interpretive offer. We’ve already begun working on the site review and engagement work, and through this have got to know some of the many friendly, passionate and committed employees and volunteers who make the village and museum tick.