Bill’s latest book Walk Into the Dark Ages will hit the shops in September.
We are currently working with Crookes Forum to submit a Heritage Lottery Fund application.
We have started work with the Royal Northumberland Yacht Club to develop an interpretation plan for their historic house yacht.
The Nine Men, Nine Lives, One Great War exhibition was installed in the window of Beeches of Walkley, Sheffield on Saturday 21st June. “The display in Beeches is beautifully judged – moving and informative. Every time I go past there seem to be people reading it.” Frances, Walkley Resident.
Today we began working with Castleton Historical Society to assist their members produce an exhibition about the village during the First World War.
Castleton and Hope Historical Societies reprint the Medieval self-guided trail leaflet due to demand.
Here are some photographs of two of the recently installed interpretation panels we have produced for Bedford River Valley Park.
Spiders in the toilet, and a candle to keep the cistern from freezing. Outdoor toilets and scratchy clothes made a big impression on youngsters from Walkley Primary School in their encounters with local ‘elders’ Audrey Buxton and Geraldine Stansall, as part of the Walkley Ways, Walkley Wars local history project.
The Walks Around Britain video features the Peak District’s Monsal Trail and the inHeritage audio player. The player includes railway memories of the trail recorded by inHeritage and the specially commissioned Johnny Cash style Monsal Trail Blues by Natchez Burning.